
The Official Ironman Revival

In a sway of determination last summer, I signed up to compete in a race that has become the headline of my bucketlist: an IRONMAN.

Naturally, I decided to sign up for the race closest to home: IRONMAN St. George.  Like all natural-procrastinators, I thought to myself, "I've got a year to train.  I can do anything in a year, especially prepare for an Ironman."

My 6-month mark came, and I completed about 6 weeks of full-training.  I didn't miss a workout, I committed and recommitted, and began to see my racing times dropping.  Things were going as expected.  And then, as it always seems to go-- life had a change.

The office for my job was relocated, and I now take a bus to and from work everyday, leaving at 6am and returning at 6pm (on good days).  Two months later, and only 4 months from race day, I'm recommitting again.  We'll see how it fares this time around, now that I've 'adjusted' to my schedule.



33 min trail run.

Standard; 25, 20
Wide PU: 12, 8
Military: 12, 10
Reverse Grip PU: 4, 6
Wide Fly: 12, 15
Close Grip PU: 9, 6
Decline: 10, 9
Heavy Pnts: 21, 13
Diamond: 16, 12
Bombers: 8, dead.
Pulls: 15


Chest/Back Wk1

Run: 20 min. on broken foot.

Standard: 20, 17
Wide Front Pull-up: 12, 9
Military:  11, 9
Reverse Grip Chin-up: 8, 10
Wide Fly: 15, 12
Close Grip Overhand: 8, 7
Decline: 9, 6
Heavy Pants: 8x26, 11
Hearts: 11, 10
Lawn Mower: 12, 12
Dive Bomber: 13,
BackFly: 14, 20


M: Swim

Swim: wu-250 with 50salternating between kick and stroke
main: 400m, 4x100m, 300m,3x100m, 200, 2x100m; with 100s alternating between 25m of moderate, sprint, slow, moderate


Week 5: W/Christmas Eve

W: 90 min bike
Th (Christmas Eve): 35 min run


Week 5: M/T

M: With all the holiday cheer and gatherings, I've not had a spare minute to exercise. Not a minute... until ten pm. The only problem with 10m is finding a 24-hour gym that is 30 minutes away. I didn't return home until past 1am.
Bike: 1 hr 45 min; Swim: wu: 250m, main: 15x100m, cd: 100m

T: Swim: wu: 250m, main: 1x1700m, 1x250m; cd: 200m, Run: A geeky wimpy 25 minutes on a treadmill facing a wall. It was all I could do to stay awake while running, let alone keep any speed or form.


Week 5: M

Swim: wu: 250m, alternate 50 ck, 50 swim; main: 400m, 4x100m, 300m, 3x100m, 200m, 2x100m