
The Official Ironman Revival

In a sway of determination last summer, I signed up to compete in a race that has become the headline of my bucketlist: an IRONMAN.

Naturally, I decided to sign up for the race closest to home: IRONMAN St. George.  Like all natural-procrastinators, I thought to myself, "I've got a year to train.  I can do anything in a year, especially prepare for an Ironman."

My 6-month mark came, and I completed about 6 weeks of full-training.  I didn't miss a workout, I committed and recommitted, and began to see my racing times dropping.  Things were going as expected.  And then, as it always seems to go-- life had a change.

The office for my job was relocated, and I now take a bus to and from work everyday, leaving at 6am and returning at 6pm (on good days).  Two months later, and only 4 months from race day, I'm recommitting again.  We'll see how it fares this time around, now that I've 'adjusted' to my schedule.

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