
Turkey Run! Fri/Sat

Thursday: Mesa Mi Amigos Turkey Trot 10K. Attended by over 1600 people, this felt like a marathon! Supporters lined the race course, and there was the persistent dancing of passing and struggling. Per the usual, I was late for the beginning, and had to run a full 1.5 miles through blocked streets to the starting line. My first mile clocked in at 6.45, and I held a steady 7.30 pace thereout. Total time: 46.54 minutes. 54/1000 in females, 10/267 in age group

Friday: Still loving the vacationing warm weather, I sprouted out for a 50 minute run. Mostly recovery, but with a couple of minute sprints to keep my legs strong.

Saturday: spin class (potential swim tonight...) BYU v Utah game!

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