
Monday: Back Again

I'm back from my CA and AZ travels, happy to sleep in my own bed. I bring a new trait that I think will dutifully benefit my training: a schedule. By "a schedule" I mean those random occurrences of going to bed and waking up at the same times for consecutive days! I understand that any of you who know me would believe it impossible; nigh a miracle from the heavens.

Yet, I'm happy to report that my biological clock is beeping every morning at either 5:30 or 6:00 am. Believe it.

Monday (Swim/Run)
  • Swim: wu: 200m (trying some fly!); main: 1x500m at 9.30min, 5x50 (25 sprint, 25 recover), 1x250; cd: 75 breast
  • Run: 30 min (hills)

After several weeks of running on a daily basis with not much else to do, I'm glad to get into some cross-training. For the next 4 weeks I'll meet my workouts at 2/3, and incorporate weight training for the balance.

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